Etapas del viaje / Trip sections:
8. P.N. Serra de Bodoquena: Boca da Onça.
Tras Passo do Lontra nos dirigimos al pueblo de Bonito, que cuenta con importantes infraestructuras turísticas. Desde Bonito es posible realizar diversas salidas, incluyendo puntos del parque nacional Serra de Bodoquena, nadar en las aguas cristalinas de algún río de la zona o visitar el Buraco das Araras. Nos alejamos tres noches en la cuidada Pousada Ouro Preto de Bonito.
After Passo do Lontra, we headed to the town of Bonito, which has significant tourist infrastructure. From Bonito, it is possible to undertake various excursions, including visits to points in the Serra da Bodoquena National Park, swimming in the crystal-clear waters of a local river, or visiting the Buraco das Araras. We stayed for three nights at the well-maintained Pousada Ouro Preto de Bonito.
La crónica de viaje en eBird, el mapa de las principales zonas visitadas, y la lista completa de especies de aves observadas durante este viaje, puede encontrarse en este enlace.
The trip report in eBird, the map showing the main visited locations, together with the complete list of bird species observed in this trip, can be seen in this link.
Nuevamente nos encontramos con una salida guiada que impidió disfrutar con más tranquilidad de la avifauna local. El objetivo de la salida era visitar diversas cascadas, conocidas aquí como cachoeiras, y darse un baño en alguna de ellas. Todo ello a un ritmo nada apropiado para ver aves. Al final, nos quedamos con un total de 36 especies, la mayoría de ellas alrededor de la propia fazenda donde comimos. Eso sí, algunas fueron interesantes, como la chuña patirroja, que habíamos buscado con anterioridad sin exito.
Once again, we found ourselves on a guided tour that prevented us from enjoying the local birdlife at a more leisurely pace. The purpose of the tour was to visit various waterfalls, known here as "cachoeiras," and take a swim in some of them. All this was done at a pace not suitable for bird watching. In the end, we recorded a total of 36 species, most of them around the fazenda where we had lunch. However, some were interesting, such as the red-legged seriema, which we had previously searched for without success.
Y ya de vuelta hacia Bonito, desde la carretera pude ver un animal que ansiaba ver: el oso hormiguero gigante. El animal se movía en un campo donde por suerte pude parar para verlo con calma. La luz no era muy buena ya, pero aún así pude hacerle algunas fotos testimoniales. Resultó curioso que los dos individuos que vi en este viaje los observase desde la carretera.
And on the way back to Bonito, from the road, I was able to see an animal I had been eager to see: the giant anteater. The animal was moving in a field where, fortunately, I was able to stop and watch it calmly. The light wasn't very good by then, but even so, I was able to take some documentary photos. It was curious that the two individuals I saw on this trip were observed from the road.