El mapa de las principales zonas visitadas, junto con la lista completa de especies de aves observadas durante este viaje, puede encontrarse en este enlace.
The map showing the main visited locations, together with the complete list of bird species observed in this trip, can be seen in this link.
7. Tumwater.
Tras visitar la Rialto Beach y algunas otras cercanas, con más o menos las mismas especies, nos dirigimos al Billy Frank Jr Nisqually National Wildlife Reserve, previa parada en la ciudad de Tumwater para pernoctar. En los jardines cercanos a nuestro hotel vimos algunas cosas interesantes, como colibrís de Anna, mitos sastrecillos o chara californiana.
After visiting Rialto Beach and some other nearby ones, with more or less the same species, we headed to the Billy Frank Jr Nisqually National Wildlife Reserve. But before, we stopped in the city of Tumwater to spend the night. In the gardens near our hotel we saw some interesting things, such as Anna's hummingbirds, american bushtits, or western scrub-jay.
8. Billy Frank Jr Nisqually National Wildlife Reserve.
El Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildife Refuge es una reserva de vida silvestre situada en el delta del río Nisqually cerca de Puget Sound. El mosaico de diferentes habitas situado a orillas del río Nisqually provee las condiciones óptimias para que exista una diversa y abundante vida salvaje.The mosaic of different habitats found on the River Delta provide optimal conditions for diverse and abundant wildlife. Ejemplos de ello incluyen patos joyuyo, chorlitejo semipalmeado, correlimos de Baird, archibebe patigualdo chico, avetoro lentiginoso, pigargo americano y foca común, que pudimos observar a placer en el área.
The Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge is a wildlife preserve located in the Nisqually River Delta near Puget Sound. The mosaic of different habitats found on the River Delta provide optimal conditions for diverse and abundant wildlife. Examples of it include wood ducks, semipalmated plovers, baird sandpipers, lesser yellowlegs, american bittern, bald eagle, and harbor seals, that we manage to see in the area.